Showing posts with label British Columbia Jay Venor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British Columbia Jay Venor. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jay Venor, BC Businessman, Explains the Alternative Energy Industry

Throughout much of his career, Jay Venor, BC professional, has been involved with capital markets. This means he's helped corporate clients find new industries to invest in. It's work that he loves, but it is complicated work involving a significant amount of terminology. For example, Jay Venor must know all about the investment terms people use as shorthand to describe large groups of businesses.

Jay Venor reports that the term "alternative energy" has been rising in popularity. In fact, he's had some clients who have expressed an interest in investing in alternative energy markets, even though they're not quite sure what the term really means. Jay Venor can provide some background, allowing his clients to make well-informed decisions.

According to Jay Venor, BC businessman, alternative energy is an umbrella term used to describe a form of usable energy that is intended to replace fuel that is considered somehow undesirable. Modern consumers use the term to describe energy sources that do not burn fossil fuels, and therefore do not create high carbon dioxide emissions. Solar, wind and wave power would all fall into this category, according to Jay Venor, and some of the companies involved in these ventures do represent a great investing opportunity.

But, Jay Venor often cautions his clients to use care before investing in alternative energy companies. Some of these technologies can have unintended consequences on the environment, and when these consequences become known, the technologies become less valuable and the investment more risky. For example, wind energy was once thought to be a solid investment that would be completely safe. Now, experts believe that some companies face economic issues due to protests from animal rights activists. Migrating birds can fly into the turbines, killing them instantly, and when those images of bird death were shown far and wide, fewer people wanted to buy wind energy. It can be a serious problem for investors, especially if they're surprised by a negative income report.

In his office in BC, Jay Venor works to clarify these issues for his clients, highlighting issues of concern and explaining the terms in ways that anyone can understand. It's the best way to help ensure his clients see a good return on the investments they're making.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jay Venor, BC Professional, on the Consulting Role

In the past, recent college graduates would begin looking for one company to provide them with long-term employment. Up until the 1970s, it wasn't uncommon for people to consider themselves "career employees," who stayed with the same company throughout their professional careers. In the 1980s, a new model began to emerge, and now, that model is becoming more and more attractive to an entire generation of young workers. It's called consulting, and Jay Venor BC business professional, is somewhat of an expert in the field. 

Unlike paid employees, who work on the tasks they're given and deliver a product within a specific time period that they do not set, consultants may work for many different companies at the same time. They can accept projects that they'd like to work on, and reject other projects for any reason at all. This can be beneficial, but as Jay Venor of BC quickly points out, there can be some pitfalls to watch out for. Where an employee is always guaranteed work, a consultant is hired and rehired on every new project. Deliver poor quality, and you might not be given more work. It's an issue all consultants must keep in mind at all times. 

In addition, Jay Venor says, consultants must always be keeping an eye out for new work and new projects. Their current clients may wrap up their projects, leaving them with no work, or they may lose clients altogether due to funding or performance issues. Where employees may not need to look for new jobs and hone their reputations in their work, consultants must always be doing PR work, networking and looking for new opportunities. This can become a full-time obsession. 

For Jay Venor, BC professional, consulting has been an ideal career, and he enjoys the flexibility and variability that his work provides. But he also knows that the insecurity that comes with the consulting role can be nerve-wracking for some people. Those people might do better in a standard employer/employee relationship, leaving the consulting to those who have the ability to stomach insecurity and variability.